Friday, November 30, 2018

In Which Case Should Fue Or Fut Be Preferred

It is important to remember that both fut and fue techniques are useful as long as they are performed by experienced surgeons and their specialized teams who have proven their scientific expertise and artistic sense for many years. 

Follicular Unit Extraction (Fue) Should Be Preferred For The Following Cases: A patient who wears or wants to wear his hair very short. Patients who want to keep the freedom to choose any type of haircuts. If the desired hair length is less than 0.5cm, the thin scar of the fut may be detectable even with the trichophyte suture. 

The patient desires the least invasive surgery because there is no risk of damaging the nerves. The patient desires a quick return to social life, because the healing and recovery period of the donor area is much faster. A return to sports activities and a normal social life is generally faster. 

The patient in need of a small transplant, the number of grafts being more manageable. With this minimally invasive procedure, Hair Transplant In Pakistan is ideal for small transplants or corrections in the receiving areas. The patient having kept an unacceptable scar from a previous operation. Strip scars cut by inexperienced surgeons become large unacceptable scars that can be repaired by the fue procedure.

The patient simply desires not to have a scar. The patient does not benefit from a sufficiently dense donor zone. Follicular extraction greatly enlarged the donor area. Even more when using donor areas of the body such as the torso or back (see our bht page). 

Follicular Transplantation By Strip , The Fut Should Be Favored For The Following Cases:
Patients with a large area to implant, and who wants to achieve a maximum of transplant in one operating time. We then realize a combo, a combination of fut and fue. 

The patient whose donor area is hypo-dense (below average density), in which case the fue is impractical. The fut is a better option if the patient keeps a certain length of hair. 

The patient for whom a thin scar is not a problem and who does not wish and will not wish a haircut of less than 0.5cm length. As long as they measure more than 0.5 cm, the hair in the donor area completely covers the scar (which should measure only between 1 and 1.5 mm) now routinely performed in trichophyte suture.

Fue Versus Fut Can These Methods Be Combined With Each Other

The two methods combined greatly increase the efficiency of the donor area and thus the number of follicular units that will then be transplanted into the bald or sparse areas. For very advanced baldness, a single technique is usually not enough to cover everything. The solution of combining the two techniques is then very interesting for these cases because the number of transplantable follicular units and therefore the coverage that the patient can obtain is greater. 

Is Fue A Technique With Higher Results? 
A good aesthetic result does not depend on the sampling procedure. It is therefore totally wrong to say that the aesthetic result would be better in one procedure than another. Many other factors such as the design of the Hair Transplant In Islamabad, the natural appearance of the transplanted hair, and the ability to produce density are more important factors in the aesthetic result of a hair transplant. 

With the emergence of follicular fue extraction, many discussion forums present it as the best hair transplant. This on the web has motivated some industry and hair skill clinic to promote this technique as the only value to be practiced. 

From our point of view, it is not so. Extraction is a sampling method that has these advantages,
But Does Not Change The Elements Determining The Outcome Of An Intervention: 

- the type of graft harvested .

- the artistic ability of the surgeon .

- its ability to implant with density .

After The Fue Transplant The Postoperative

After about 10 days, the traces of extraction fade and the donor area returns to its normal appearance after 15 to 20 days . If the patient does not wish to mow the hair, then the procedure must be performed in fue called patchy or without shaving. It usually takes 15 days for the rash on the receiving area to fade. 

About 1 month to 2 months after the fue operation, all implanted hair falls back. This is a normal process. 12 months will be required for complete regrowth. Treatments can be used to speed up the process ( prp , minoxidil , help hair skill ....). 

The Size Of Fue Punches:
FUE Hair Transplant In Lahore punches have evolved a lot since the beginning of this procedure. At first, the first fue grafters used punchs used for biopsies. Quickly, the punches evolved to versions exclusively designed for fue varying sizes and shapes. Today the punches are machined almost entirely in titanium because of the biocompatible and allergenic property of this material. 

Punch sizes vary mainly from 0.7 millimeters to 1 millimeters . The extremely small size of the punches helps to make the fue almost invisible and without visible scars. Of course, the size of the fue punches is not the only factor to participate in more or less visible traces left by the levy. The quality of the punch blade - more or less sharpened and the genetic heritage of the patient are factors of the same importance as the size of the punch.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Punch Isolates The Follicles On The Scalp

Step 3: Extract The Hair Follicles Cherry Picking:
Using micro-forceps, either a micro-forcep or a mosquito forceps, the selected follicles are extracted one by one. Each graft is then deposited in physiological saline and / or in a mixture of prp and physiological saline. The grafts are then sorted and checked and prepared for implantation. The extraction procedure is then complete. One can begin the procedure of incisions and implantation which is the same in fue or fut. 

Step 1: incisions in the recipient area:
Using blades cut to the size of the follicular units, the practitioner draws the new Hair Transplant In Islamabad using micro-incisions in the area to be grafted. The slides are cut and prepared for each patient. They are for single use. This technique is called custom blades. 

It is at this stage that factors deciding the outcome of the hair transplant performed. These factors are:

  • The angle of the hair
  • The distribution
  • The density
  • The incision stage determines the design of your hair transplant. 

Step 2: placement of the grafts in the incisions:
With each graft of 1,2 and 3 hairs previously separated and sorted, they are now inserted into each incision. This step is often performed by several hands because up to 3 people can work at the same time and insert the grafts on the patient's scalp. The grafts will now re-oxygenate and then reconnect to the patient's vasculature. The fue operation is finished. 

Then begins the waiting for the regrowth of the transplant. Patients benefit from their outcome 7 to 8 months later, but at least 12 months are needed for complete regrowth, and up to 15 to 18 months for thickening hair.

The Benefits Of Fue Short Cut And No Linear Scar

The scar of the strip test: some patients do not want any traces of the procedure and in particular the scar after taking the strip. Fue leaves almost no trace visible to the naked eye. Patients can find their hair and the freedom to wear their hair as they wish. The so-called fue graft procedure meets these criteria, the absence of a recognizable linear scar, and the widening of the sampling area. 

Wear These Short Hair After A Fue Intervention Is Possible!
Today there are two distinct types of direct extractions, Best Fue Cost In Pakistan and fit (follicular isolation transplantation), which are differentiated by the number of gestures in the follicle isolation step but both are linear scar-free procedures. And allowing a large number of grafts.

The Steps Of The Fue Procedure:
5 operative steps punctuate the fue graft procedure. Each step is equally important to each other and influences the outcome of the transplant. 

Step 1: Mowing And Preparation For The Procedure:
For fue hair from the donor area is usually shorn. It is impossible to remove a follicle if the hair is more than 1mm. 

However a mowing total can sometimes be avoided depending on the case. This is called fue patchy or unshaven. Normal fue requires total mowing. Mowing is done without a hoof. The ultra short cut is still quickly forgotten because 15 days after the operation, the hair has already pushed back 0.5 cm.

Step 2: Isolate The Hair Follicles:
The follicles are then selected directly on the scalp of the patient, the hair is isolated with a titanium punch with a diameter ranging from 0.7 to 1.0 mm. This step is one of the advantages of the fue, we can then select each graft and therefore favor grafts of 1, 2, 3 hair according to the needs of the recipient area. This is the so-called stage we select the best transplants! 

To isolate the grafts, the punch drops 3 to 4 mm into the skin along the hair and follicle. This is the only step that requires the fue punch. The grafts then isolated and dissociated from the epidermis and the dermis. But this one remains in the skin for the moment. They are not yet extracted.